Flying in Silk

On Thursday I made my way to Holland to meet up with friends. As I had predicted, I almost didn’t make it here with luggage, shoes and all. I had to work a wee bit before jetting off and had been switching back and forth between flip flops and Mary Janes. As a result, I kept inadvertently leaving my Mary Janes in other people’s cars and offices.


The weather was bad so my flight was delayed, resulting in a very short connecting time. After rushing to the plane, I got to listen to a conversation between the man and woman (headed home to Amsterdam) seated in front of me. The man asked the woman, “Did you just change?” “Of course I did. I like to fly in silk.” Hup Holland! I could tell already I was going to love the people in Amsterdam.


Canal Jumper and Call Me Rafael met me at the airport and I told them I had two goals: have fun and avoid arrest. “Hmmm,” said Call Me Rafael, “I don’t know if we can get them both.”


Being that I’m in Amsterdam, a lot of people thought I might smoke weed, because it is legal. I find this interesting; that people would think I do things based on whether or not they are legal. Canal Jumper, Call Me Rafael and I started discussing the cost of living and Canal Jumper informed me, “The going rate of pay here is drugs and alcohol.” I guess that is how they are able to afford to fly in silk.

2 thoughts on “Flying in Silk”

  1. Oh shit – I just left a message inviting you to a Bees Game. I will wear something silky to remind me that if you were in town, you’d be with us!

  2. I can’t believe I missed an invitation to a Bees Game and, more importantly, from you! I hope your silk had yellow, black and white on it and went buzzzzzzzz in the wind! Thanks for the invite. Raincheck?

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