
A while back I decided to commit myself to a little idea I had called “Project Commitment.”


This was a project designed to help me revamp my dating prospects and protocols. I reviewed my journal from the project and found the first problem: I only committed to the project for five days and met an ex for breakfast on Day One.


Another not so productive aspect of Day One involved my online research for all things related to commitment; which landed me on (a site dedicated to lonely attractive inmates in the USA seeking penpals). Finally, a place to meet men and women who are “committed”…..usually for 1-5 years, sometimes for life.


David, a prisoner in Oregon, really pulled at my heartstrings with this comment: “Don’t be intimidated by my tattoos and outer appearance. I’m the type that will bring you milk and cookies in bed, and then have you laughing so hard you’d spray milk out your nose.”

Romantic. In his personal details there were even more treasures. Religion: Christian. Occupation Before Prison: Gangster. This concerns me because if he ever injures his hands he won’t be able to pray or throw gang signs and then he’ll be both out of a God and out of a job.


Day Two proved to be slightly less productive than day one. I spent the day, in workout clothes (no, I didn’t go to the gym), watching Lifetime Television for Women.


Day Three was even less productive. I did, however, get a “tip” from a coworker, “Commit’mint’ is not an after dinner candy.” Who knew?


On Day Four, That’s Not Chinese suggested I try online dating. She gave it a go once and met four prospects. All of their names started with “J” and did not exceed two syllables. Sadly, the relationships did not last; leaving me wondering if it was the online dating, the first letter of their name, or the lack of two or more syllables that prevented commitment.


Day Five read, “on a hiatus of sorts.” Uh oh, sounds like a relapse. Too bad I didn’t write anything beyond that. I’m interested to know what I did on “hiatus.”


I was proper impressed with my commitment to that project. I decided to review some of my other projects and files and found a folder titled “One Liners.” I opened the document to find just that: one-one liner, “Is that a Rolex, or do you just have good timing?”


Again, impressive. I’m definitely committed to the idea of doing things; it’s the application and follow through that stumps me.

8 thoughts on “Committed”

  1. I admire your commitment. I commit to making a witty comment one to two times a week on ms. grigio’s blog. this will inevitably lead to one of two things.

    a) committed comments
    b) constant struggling for a second choice

    one can only wonder

  2. Oh Area Man, you are definitely one of my favorite commenters. Even if they are, like my commitments, few and far between. xoxo

  3. Кто ты есть на самом деле? В чем твое предназначение?
    В каком направлении лежит твой путь и как тебе
    по нему идти?
    Дизайн Человека расскажет об этом!

    – Даёт ощущение целостности
    – Позволяет выстроить эффективную стратегию
    жизни и карьеры – Укрепляет доверие к себе
    – Позволяет жить в согласии со своей природой –
    Приносит чувство согласия с собой – Снижает тревожность при выборе
    – Даёт право быть собой – Даёт право быть собой – Снижает тревожность при

    Типы (Дизайн Человека). Манифестор, Проектор,
    Генератор, Рефлектор (Дизайн Человека)
    · Профиль (Human Design). Дизайн Человека – Профиль.

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