Wiley Wabbit

I really could have blogged all night last night. Between OregganO and MiniMe the material was endless. MiniMe was getting ready for her flight and had straightened her curls. She, of course, looked fabulous and was frequently “checking” to be sure. OregganO asked her, “Do you have a compact in your purse? If not, I have one in my car. Really, you should have one with you. I know what its like to want to stop and check yourself out every now and again.”

A little bit later, I decided to make some popcorn for us. Historically, OregganO is not my biggest fan when it comes to my “cooking” (http://grigiogirl.com/2010/03/wax-paper-for-taste/). She wasted no time letting me know how she felt about my Healthy Pop. “This shit blows balls. Cream Of Tartar makes this shit for me because he is worried about his cholesterol.” I have a feeling, though I’m not sure, that she didn’t care for the popcorn. I really wish she would be more direct with me in her communications.

Prior to heading home, OregganO edited/reviewed my post. Midway through she gave me a bit of a look and said, “Oh shit, I just went to your next post.” I told her, “I don’t have a next post.” Her reply, “Huh.”

This afternoon I was chatting with BeCuz, giving her a recap of last night and running her through today’s shenanigans. I told her I had recently mailed Mini Sparkle Donut a box full of some of her scarves, tights and whatnots (she is storing some of her goods in my shed and I thought she might like these items for her photo shoots: http://apparellel.com/); I didn’t bother looking in the bag of goodies, just put them all in the box. Mini Sparkle Donut sent me a thank you email today. Receiving the scarves was exciting, but she was most excited about the Rabbit. I had no idea it was in there. Had I known, I would have taped a note to it, “Hope you don’t mind that I borrowed this a couple of times – thanks. P.S. Needs new batteries.”

BeCuz could not get over the fact that Mini Sparkle Donut, or anyone for that matter, would put a Rabbit in storage. I could not get over the fact that I didn’t know it was in the bag of scarves. I totally did not provide that information to the postal service. Imagine if the box got bumped, kickstarting the renegade Rabbit, who had hijacked the scarf bag. There is a good chance Mini Sparkle Donut wouldn’t have received her “package.” Ah, that Wiley Wabbit!

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