Foster DogMa

There are certain gifts you never give someone for their birthday, specifically, children and pets. These are gift no-no’s because they are most likely to  cause a bit of relationship trouble between the giver and the receiver and there is a great likelihood they will be regifted.

No Action Jaxon is one of those gifts, not to me, but to his owner. Last Fall, No Action Jaxon started making guest appearances at my house, spending anywhere from two hours to a couple of days. For a while, it kind of felt like visitation.

At some point, it went from feeling like visitation to full-time custody. In fact, about two months ago No Action Jaxon was dropped off for the weekend and he has been here ever since, with no word from his owner.

That’s Not Chinese continues to tell me I’m a dog owner, she finds humor in referring to me as a DogMa. I continue to tell her I am not. Some of my friends, especially those with animals, tell me I am going to get attached and not want to give No Action Jaxon back to his owner – if and when she returns. I disagree. In fact, I think  She’s a Hard One said it best, “Uh, no, I didn’t birth it out of my vagina, so, no. No attachment.”

2 thoughts on “Foster DogMa”

  1. I’m attached to several things that didn’t come out of my vagina.
    notable attachments:

    a) the boy one
    b) the girl one

    they’ll replace my consumption area one day.

    as for animals? I love them… they taste like chicken.

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