Wiggin’ out

Second day in a row that my host, MC Static Cling, brought me Yogi tea and girl scout cookies (trefoils) for breakfast.

We decided to go for a walk (and move the cars before getting tickets) and stumbled upon a health fair for senior citizens. They had karaoke, barbecue, wii and eye exams and it was all we could do to not pull out our fake IDs.

We hit Starbucks and grabbed “crack” for Mini Sparkle Donut and then went home to get ready for the day.

Mini Sparkle Donut had made DIY Coco Chanel tees and we decided they would look best with our new neon wigs. We donned our wigs, tees and stripper boots and crammed into the Neon. MC Static Cling thinks its pretty bad when the best car you have is a Neon.

Since we were dressed for success, we went to a couple of craft stores in preparation for our music video. We had a few people ask if we were “in a show.” Not sure what that means.

Once the sun set, She’s A Hard One and S-Unit joined in the festivities; which involved wigs, wine, walking and wacky cake. It also involved making a video and if I can figure out how to upload it, you’ll see it……

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