Awkward First Date

Oreggano decided to join me in my celebrity spotting and being spotted endeavors. We filled our coffee cups, put 4-Oh-9 in the stroller and headed to Main Street. “How are we going to get the stroller on the bus and hold our coffee cups?” I asked her. “Clearly, we’ll have to get someone to do it for us. We can’t put our coffee down.” “Good point,” I replied and, true to form, we managed to hold our coffee cups while others hoisted the stroller onto the bus.


Once on Main Street, we started snapping photos. Within minutes we spotted paparazzi and they spotted us. “You should flash her,” one of the paparazzi told another who had his camera near his eye and ready to go. “How about you flash me and I’ll flash you,” I suggested. He agreed to these terms and I opened my coat to reveal my moustache shirt while he flashed a photo of me. Even though that was more of a business transaction, it kind of felt like a first date and, surprisingly, wasn’t awkward.


We continued on our way – didn’t want to keep our fans waiting – when we learned, via social media, that one of our friends/fans was in a nearby pub. “Send her a text telling her we are on our way,” Oreggano advised and added, “Oh, and tell her to get have the following ready for us, ‘two chairs, a highchair, two Blue Moons and nachos,’ stat.” I did and when we arrived at the pub our chairs were ready and our beers and nachos were quickly served. Having fans has it’s perks.


As we enjoyed our beverages we inquired as to how our friends knew each other. They both giggled, blushed a little, and quietly said, “Match.” “Serious?” I asked. “How long have you been dating?” “This is our first date,” they replied. “Awkward,” Oreggano said while enjoying some of their chips and guacamole.


First dates can be a bit awkward, especially if you haven’t been on one for a while. Luckily, Oreggano and I were cool with it.

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