These Boots Aren’t Made For Walking

Within minutes of walking out the door of the burlesque/sketch cabaret venue, Sleepless, Ice Cream Man and I knew we were in trouble. None of our friends were there to give us a ride, cab companies weren’t answering their phones and two creepy guys – one of whom looked like Buffalo Bill (Silence of the Lambs) – were offering us a ride in the shell of their truck. We respectfully declined the latter and began walking home. Just as my boots weren’t made for standing, they weren’t made for walking.


We continued to call cab companies, to no avail. The creepy guys, also to no avail, stayed on our trail, offering us a ride. We decided to put a message out to the cyber world/universe about our need for transportation and the fact that hypothermia might be setting in. Live Longer, who was already at home in bed, ‘liked’ it. “Unbelievable, she just liked it. Just liked it,” Sleepless told Ice Cream Man and I while shaking her head. Not to be deterred, we kept walking. It was the best way to stay warm.


About one mile and what seemed like hours later we were able to hail a cab and head to our cars which were parked at Live Longer’s house. Luckily, Ice Cream Man had coupons, so the cab ride only cost us $5. Not so lucky, was the fact that my car and house keys weren’t in my bag. Turns out they fell out when I dropped my bag, like it was hot, at the venue. Being that the venue was closed, Sleepless and Ice Cream Man offered to let me stay at their place. I took the offer and, just as I was attempting to get in their car, the door slammed on my hand. Shocked, I screamed, and Live Longer, still warm in her bed, made a reply on our ‘ride’ status, “I here you u.”


Social networking didn’t get us a ride or save our lives, but it made for an interesting day after.

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