Taking a stance

Like most states, the political situation in this state is a flurry. The most recent flurry is a result of a federal ruling allowing same-sex marriage.


Some people are really vocal about the ruling, others remain silent. While at work, I asked a coworker – who is kind of a big deal – for her stance on the ruling. She wasted no time to respond but did so only physically.


First, she leaned back a bit and crossed her arms. Then, she took another stance – this one sideways with her hands on her hips. On a roll, she took a final stance where she leaned forward a bit with her index finger in a ‘pondering position’ on her chin. “I like all three,” I informed her.


Later that day I informed Sleepless of this encounter and, to my delight, she spent the rest of the evening taking a stance.

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