Frackin’ Dream Ride

Sleepless, Calling The Dog and I carpooled to a funeral. With us, was one of Sleepless’ male coworkers.male coworkers. As we made our way we discussed the idea of making donations to charitable causes, in lieu of flowers. “Can I just make a donation to myself?” Calling The Dog asked. “Why not? I think you’re a good cause,” Sleepless replied.


“Speaking of causes, did you hear it is legal to frack now?” I asked. “Get the frack out of town,” Calling The Dog quipped. “I know, totally fracked up,” I replied. “Mother frackers,” Calling The Dog followed up. Sleepless’ coworker was loving this conversation. “This is awesome. It’s like I’m in the car with a bunch of Cylons from Battlestar Galactica,” he told us, happier than a kid in a candy shop. “What the frack are you talking about?” I asked. “You didn’t know frack is a swear word on Battlestar Galactica?” he asked. “No frackin’ way. I had no frackin’ idea,” Calling The Dog told him.


Not wanting his dream ride to come to an abrupt end, when we dropped him off we continued to speak Cylon, “Get the frack out of the car.” “Thanks so much for the ride,” he said with a Cheshire grin. “Yeah, yeah, frack off,” Calling The Dog told him and, as the dream ride drove away, we both said in unison, “Frackin’ funerals.”

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