B Y O Book Club

A while back a few friends decided to have book club. I ‘read’ the book (on CD), plus I saw the movie, so I was fully prepared for the book discussions – of which, we really had none. A decision was made to have the next book club at my house so I selected a book I already read, I Loved I Lost I Made Spaghetti, and then asked everyone to bring a dish from the book.


On the night of book club I slaved over the stove with my one good arm making Orzo and toasting pinenuts. Everyone arrived with their Italian wines and store-bought items (that bore a slight resemblance to book recipes) and we spoke about the book very briefly. As was the case last time, we met one or two had read the book in it’s entirety and the rest hadn’t read it at all.


“Maybe we can do a movie club instead,” Live Longer suggested. “Or a sitcom club.  Sitcom of your choice. We can all watch different sitcoms – watching the same show is silly. Hell, let’s just do BYOB – Bring Your Own Book Club,” I replied. “I like the sound of that,” said Live Longer said and so it was. BYO Book Club. The theme will be Asian, the book, who knows?!?!


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