
Maverik Midget King is known for his idioms, otherwise known as translation errors. My two favorites are “Do yourself like at home” and “I have clean shits for you.”


The first Fridiom should be, “Make yourself at home,” but I like his version and, historically, usually do. The second Fridiom is of the lodging/hospitality variety – nobody likes to sleep in dirty sheets, or dirty shits.


A new Fridiom he has been throwing around like dollar bills in a strip joint is “…is shit.” Feel free to put anything before it. For example, “Paris is shit.” “This food is shit.” “Weather is shit.” “Music is shit.” “My phone is shit.” “Everything is shit.” “Curious about his frequent use of ‘shit,’ MiniMe asked him a question, “Do you say ‘shit’ as much in French as you do in English?” “No, because in French it is ‘merde,’ still shit,” he replied.


“Maybe I will open a business called ‘Everything is Shit.’ When people complain I will say, “What do you expect? Everything is shit. Just shit,” he told us with pride. “Your attitude is shit,” I advised and added, “Perfect for your business.”

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