Show up

First day of training for the 5K Mud Run. Everyone knows breakfast is the most important meal of the day, 5K or not, so I started the day with a cup of Sweet Italian Creme with a dash of coffee and thin mint cookies.

ROFL stopped by and we discussed my training regimen. I advised him I had been on a bit of a workout hiatus. His facial expression told me further explaining was needed and I told him I actually gave up working out for Lent this year. 

A bit later I heard from Fru Fru Pants. Last night we had both committed to working out today. Today, we both backed out of our commitment, which was OK, because we had good intentions, a plan of sorts. And a plan is important, as is eating healthy, according to a  little link I found on 5K training. Most important, however, is showing up on race day.

2 thoughts on “Show up”

  1. I think it’s great you decided to engage in this activity of outdoor muddiness. muddiness indoors (or out) is a turn on for many people. not me, but many people.

    I think however, you’re overlooking the unintended consequences of this idea. notably, loss of :

    a) batwings
    b) sweet ass cankles.

  2. WTTFMEWL! Translation (if it isn’t obvious to everyone): Wiping the tears from my eyes while laughing!
    Muddiness is good for everyone: participants, observers and visualizers.
    It will be sad to part with my batwings and sweet ass cankles. To be honest, I haven’t done a very good job of developing them. Slacker, I know.
    I keep eating sweets, carbs, meats, all to no avail. I knew I should have set a more simple goal. Like, brush my teeth at least once daily.

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