
It’s been a while since Dr. BJ and I have chatted or hung out.


Luckily, social media, like family reunions, affords us an avenue to stay in touch without really staying in touch.


That said, I do miss T-ster. Living with him was fun. Some of my fondest memories involved us drinking wine or coffee while the ‘hired help’ fixed the roof, raked the leaves, got electrocuted, etc.


With these memories in mind, when I was at work the other day and in need of a ladder, I reached out to him knowing that the chance of him actually owning a ladder would be slim.


“T-ster, how are you?” I asked.


“I’m good. How are you? It’s so nice to hear your voice,” he kindly replied.


“You too. So, I need a favor,” I told him – I didn’t’ dilly dally, I prefer to get straight to the point. “Do you have a step ladder I can borrow?”


His delayed response was a good indication that he did not know whether or not he might have the item.


“You know the kind. They’re short, they have rungs on them, and you can use them to paint or do basic projects around the house,” I advised.


“Oh, you mean the one that looks like an upside down v?” he asked.


“Yes, exactly,” I replied.


“No, I don’t have one of those,” he told me.


I was disappointed, but not surprised. Dr. BJ is much more of a homo-ner’d (I think that’s French) than a homeowner.


Dr. BJ, aka, Black Jesus with a Ph.D.
Dr. BJ, aka, Black Jesus with a Ph.D.

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