Those people

Live Longer had never been to Seattle, and it had been years since I had been, so we decided to grace it with our presence.


Being that I was only going for one night – Live Longer was staying three nights – I packed lighter than I pack to drive to the grocery store. Being that I don’t have to pay baggage fees, I checked my bag so I could roam the airport worry free and not have to fight for overhead space.


We started like we usually do – in the Sky Club – and then made our way to the plane. As usual, Live Longer got upgraded. She offered her upgrade to me, however, I kindly declined and suggested we give it to a Veteran or someone less fortunate. “That way they can enjoy first and we can sit together,” I explained.  “No. If you don’t want it I’ll take it,” she told me, so I took it.


I had just settled into her/my seat when she returned from coach., “Looks like  you also got upgraded!” she said and took the seat next to me. “How lucky!” I replied. “Aren’t you glad you didn’t give this seat to someone else?” she asked.


I was glad. Primarily because I had left my book in the baggage that I checked, the TV was hard to see and, based on our seat locations, there were no magazines or safety books to read so it would have been a boring flight. With Live Longer by my side, we could drink for free, eat as many Twix as our hearts desired, take a ton of selfies, and be ‘those people’ in first. When flying, last really is not the best of all the game.

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