Naked. Truth?

Calling The Dog called a meeting. Well, not really a meeting, more of a tasting. As we enjoyed the comfort of her living room, a cozy fire, the warmth of an alcoholic beverage, and the lethargically delicious desserts, we also swapped jacked up work stories.


Being that she and I don’t work together, but often work together, we know a lot of the same people – many of whom are totally nuts. Once, during a meeting – a real meeting, not a tasting – a committee member started telling us about a convention he attended where, by the end of the conference, all of the attendees were completely naked. “At the beginning of the conference everyone is clothed. As the days progress, and you progress with your honesty, you progressively remove your clothing. By the end of the conference, if you’ve been completely honest, you are completely naked,” he explained to us. “Why?” I asked. “It is very difficult to be dishonest when you are completely disrobed,” he proudly replied. I’m not sure I totally believe him, for a variety of reasons, the primary being that he was dressed when he shared this information.


“That is such bullshit,” one of Calling The Dog’s attendees exclaimed after I shared the story. “It is way easy to lie when you’re naked. People do it all of the time,” she continued. “I came. Your dick is so big. I never swallow. I’m a virgin. Please. Naked truth my ass.” “You may want to rethink that last one, unless you’re really into that,” I advised, totally dressed, honest.

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