
Not wanting to let our $10 weekend rental package go to waist, Live Longer and I decided to brave the weather, again, and go snowshoeing. This time, however, we brought along a few ‘accessories’ – two other people, wigs and flasks. “They’re going to think we’re professionals since we went yesterday,” Live Longer commented. “One more thing to add to our ‘lessons’ sign,” I replied.

Live Longer and I wasted no time donning our wigs and rightly so – they were both stylish and warm. She chose a long electric blue wig and suggested I wear her mustard colored afro – absolutely perfect choices. The other ladies opted for a hot pink bouffant and a platinum blonde with two pony tails. The latter was originally put on sideways, which I preferred, but she opted to fix it because she didn’t want other outdoor enthusiasts to think she was an amateur.


With the temperature in the single digits, we were concerned we might get cold, but between our flasks and layers of clothing we stayed quite warm. The wigs also helped. In fact, they were so warm we were able to ditch a few layers and bask in the warmth of the wigloo.


Like the day before, we forged several of our own paths and took multiple photos. Unlike the day before, we left long before the sun was setting. Live Longer had other photo shoots to go to and, based on her half hour fist, we had to get going.


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