Good. Nothing. Bad.

Ah, it is finally here, S-Unit’s big day, 11-11-11. She has been waiting for this day for some time. In addition, she has been waiting some time for the man of her dreams. She and the man of her dreams (who she is still waiting to meet) were to be wed on this very special day. Being that this would have been a life changing event (not like the slumber party that Contestant #56 attended, but important still), S-Unit has been wishing at 1:11. 2:22, 3:33, 4:44, 5:55, and 11:11, and relying on the Magic 8 Ball for answers and direction. Has any of this helped her? Cannot predict now (shake, shake, shake), ask again later.


The Leaver is another person who believes 11-11-11 to be a special day. Although she doesn’t want to marry on this day, she has strong feelings about it, “I’m telling you, something’s not right. Things are very strange today. It’s because it is 11-11-11.” “Maybe,” I replied and asked, “What did you think about John?” John is an elderly gentlemen who The Leaver met at my favorite fast food corndog restaurant. She was intrigued by his passion for his religion so she got his number in case we ever wanted to interview him. After going to the library and liquor store – only to find that they were closed in honor of Veterans Day, we decided to interview John. John is extremely unique in his ways and was very excited that we wanted to interview him – he didn’t even wait for us to go to the door, rather, he met us at the car with his scriptures in hand. In answer to my question about John, The Leaver said, “11-11-11. Brings out the crazy.” “Pretty sure he is like that every hour of every day, regardless of how many ones there are in it,” I replied and added, “Plus, you met him long before today.”


I really don’t get the hype about 11-11-11. Which is no surprise, because I don’t get the hype about daylight savings time either. I still haven’t changed any of my clocks back. That said, technically, I experienced 11-11-11 an hour before everyone else and I have a feeling I’ve been on time to work much more than usual. Odd. I decided to Google ’11 11 11′ and the first site I visited had this introduction, ‘Welcome random search engine visitor.’ So 11-11-11 of them. It went on to discuss how my landing on that page could have been fate, chance, random power, predestination or something else. I’ll have to let Google they need to change their name to ‘Something Else.’


As I read on, I found that this whole day was serious business for many. This site had all kinds of astrological, historical, astronomical and gamblitical (gambling with an ‘itical’) information specific to this day.  In fact, they even conducted a metaphysics survey. Apparently, one of three things could happen on this day: something good, nothing or something bad. I reminisced about my day and realized all of those things happened at some point in the day. We had a delicious lunch, sat around doing nothing for about 30 minutes while waiting for a return call, and weren’t able to go to the library, liquor store or post office (three of my favorite activities). Good, nothing, bad. Do people rely too much on superstition and non-evidenced based information? I’m going to have to agree with the Magic 8 Ball on this one, signs point to yes.






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