Putting the “G” in host

Due to my recent dates with JB, Dr. BJ has had the house to himself lately.  He enjoys his time here, listening to French music, sitting on the stoop, sipping wine and sharing the house with my ghost.

I’ve lived here for several years and there have been times I’ve noticed what some may describe as paranormal activity, but once I review all of the photos the next morning, I have a better understanding of why and when certain events took place.

My house is old, not B.C. old., but old still. As a result, it makes a lot of noises. On Sunday morning, Dr. BJ was sleeping in his room when he heard footsteps upstairs. He jumped out of bed and ran upstairs to find that he had jumped out of bed and ran upstairs for no reason at all – no one was there. He was telling me about this later in the day and we decided perhaps we have, yet, another houseguest. The hostess with the mostess should always have a ghostess.

I told Dr. BJ we did, in fact, have a ghost (evidenced by all of the orbs in the aforementioned photos) and her name is Agnes. “Agnes? How do you know she’s a girl?” “He’s got a point there. I guess I figure this because I haven’t noticed a lot of things one might experience with a male ghost – cabinets and drawers left open, toilet seat left up, the basics.

2 thoughts on “Putting the “G” in host”

  1. Maybe your ghost knows my ghost. His name is Gus and he is an onry ol’ bastard. I get the feeling sometimes that he does not like me being here at all. Over the years he has accepted me (and I him) but it the beginning it really tripped me out. I have a friend that can feel ghosts (no shit). She came to my house asked if she could sit in my upstairs for a bit without me. Odd, I thought, then she told me as I was showing her around she felt it. I told her I knew about Gus but she said I had another who was a really old frail, female spirit and she liked to sip tea with me. Yes, I had a hard time sleeping that night!

  2. Major possibility considering the proximity of our haunted abodes. I remember talking about Gus with you. Tea sounds nice – I look forward to a spot of tea with Agnes.

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