finger. age. shadow.

Sleepless and I had to do some work this afternoon and some work turned into an evening of activities. After begging for as many donations as we could possibly beg for, we headed south to our favorite more than a “c” in the box restaurant for chocolate beet cake.


Late Bloomer was excited to see us and started telling us about his day. Turns out he was a llama at a local outdoor retailer convention and a good llama at that. His name was Dolly Llama and, when appropriate – or inappropriate depending on who is judging – he spent a good amount of his hours groping girls. He assured us they liked it.


I was heading to the making room room when I realized I recognized someone in the restaurant – my neighbor. Sure wish he had a name. His girlfriend did have a name (provided to me by him), so in the making room room I addressed her, stall to stall, and introduced myself. Very moving experience.


When I returned to Sleepless, Late Bloomer was chatting it up with her about age. “Can I find out your age with my finger?” he asked. Wow. That’s really moving it quick. Not sure of the response Sleepless provided, but the next thing I heard out of Late Bloomer’s mouth was, “Are we ever going to take a walk in the park?” Such a romantic. Finger. Park. Wow.


We ordered our cake and were told they were out. Frozen Soup quickly made sure we were taken care of which meant chocolate beet cake (hidden stash) with pistachio and cherry chocolate gelato. Thank you Frozen Soup – we definitely appreciate your efforts.


After finishing dessert, Sleepless and I finished our task of gathering donations by making our way to the Big Kenny concert. We managed to catch the last of the concert, free of charge, and gathered a few free autographed CDs. As we were making our way to the post office lights and sirens trumped us on the streets. It was then we realized, unless it’s an eye shadow, blue and red are not our color.

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